About Dr Hazel

I’m a former NHS doctor, registered associate nutritionist, personal trainer, author and founder of the platform, The Food Medic - where for the last 11 years it has been my mission to provide evidence-based nutrition and health information that is easy-to-follow and practical to implement.

In more recent years, I shifted my focus towards women's health because I noticed that as a woman, and a doctor to many women, our health needs are largely underserved and overlooked. My most recent book ‘The Female Factor: making women’s health count and what it means for you’, which shines a light on this issue, was an instant bestseller and is helping women across the world.

Since its publication in 2022, many women continue to flood my DM’s and inbox to share their collective experience of struggling with distressing menstrual cycle symptoms and feeling dismissed by healthcare professionals who have led them to believe it’s just part and parcel of being a woman. Let me be clear, it’s not okay to have to use your annual leave because your periods are that painful nor is it okay that your period has disappeared for the last 6 months for no good reason.

The symptoms so many of us have accepted as “normal” are actually hindering our ability to progress through education, the workplace, in relationships and in life…

But it doesn’t need to be this way and you can have a better menstrual cycle and I’m on a mission to show you how.

Find out how I can support you with the button below.