
Alongside my courses and clinic offerings, I’ve also put together some free resources to get you started. Here you’ll find my free Cycle Tracker, a guide on How to Eat for Your Cycle, and the webinar Nutrition for Women Across the Lifespan I hosted alongside a panel of experts.

Cycle Tracker

My cycle tracker is a great template to use to track hormones and behaviours across your cycle including, bleeding, pain/cramps, skin, cravings, appetite, bloating, anxiety, and libido. It also encourages you to start tuning into things like mood, energy levels, strength, and sleep quality.

How to Eat for Your Cycle Guide

This guide is a taste of what to expect from my course, Align. It explores nutrition for each phase of the cycle alongside a handful of delicious recipes to get you excited about living in alignment with your cycle - including my go-to bircher muesli, a sesame-crusted tofu bowl, and pancakes!

Nutrition for Women Webinar

Across the lifespan – puberty and adolescence, pregnancy, post-partum, menopause and beyond, women have unique nutritional requirements. In this webinar, we explored nutrition across the menstrual cycle, for preconception and pregnancy, and during the menopause.