Medical doctor




Women's health advocate


Medical doctor . Nutritionist . Women's health advocate .

Your Menstrual Cycle Has Become a Source of Pain, Discomfort and Disruption.

Let’s work together to address and improve your menstrual cycle health with nutrition and research-backed lifestyle practices.

As featured in…

Hi, I’m Dr Hazel

Former NHS medical doctor, registered associate nutritionist, personal trainer, author and founder of the platform, The Food Medic.

I believe that for too long women have been told to put up with the struggles that come with their menstrual cycle. But times have changed, research has evolved, and the good news is…there is another way!

Through my pioneering approach, I help women, just like you, to understand their hormones and unique physiology so they can relieve pain and discomfort, and take back control of their health.

If you’re experiencing conditions, such as endometriosis or PCOS, or planning to conceive…then let’s work together to address and optimise your health with nutrition and research-backed lifestyle practices.

Here’s the first step…

How can I help you?

One-to-One Clinic


Media & Advisory Roles


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